Extrusive Domes from Europa’s Conamara Chaos Region

Lynnae Quick

Topographic profiles for each dome were collected in an ArcGIS environment from a digital elevation model. Because a substantial number of candidate cryovolcanic domes in Europa's Conamara region are situated on slopes or within topographic lows, background slope subtraction was performed in order to ensure accuracy and consistency in measured dome heights. To complete the background subtraction, a best-fit line was determined connecting endpoints of each dome profile, defined by the outer edge of the dome. The best fit-line represents the slope of the background, and was subtracted from topographic profile. Elevation values in the DEM are relative values allowing for the y-axis values of the background slope to be subtracted from the y-values of the dome profile. The resulting new elevation values are the new Slope-Subtracted/Background-Subtracted profiles for each dome that are shown the spreadsheets. Individual dome profiles that were asymmetric were typically the result of a central depression with the dome. To refine the background subtraction for asymmetric domes, the best fit line for a dome profile was adjusted so that it was tangential to the dome's depression. With the modified best-fit line for domes with central depressions, a background subtraction was completed as described above to obtain the depression- and slope-subtracted y-values for each profile. Finally, dome heights were obtained by averaging the maximum elevation of each slope-subtracted dome profile (2 - 4 profiles per dome, depending on degree of symmetry of each dome). Dome diameters were obtained by creating five distinct profile lines across each dome and averaging the length of each dome profile line. Additional details may be found in Nuñez et al. (2019).

Data files for analysis of candidate cryovolcanic domes

The following link is to an Excel worksheet containing raw and slope-subtracted/background-subtracted topographic data and quantitative characteristics (e.g., Latitude/Longitude, Diameter, etc.) for the 10 domes modeled in Quick et al. (2021). See the sheets labeled "Dome 1" to "Dome 10".
Download the Excel file here.

Data usage policy

Please cite the following reference when using any of the products described above:
Quick, L. C., Fagents, S. A., Nuñez, K. A., Wilk, K. A., Beyer, R. A., Beddingfield, C. B., Martin, E. S., Prockter, L. M., Hurford, T. A. (2021). Cryolava Dome Growth Resulting From Active Eruptions on Jupiter's Moon Europa, Icarus, Submitted.

Additional Information

The data presented here are the supplementary data for Quick et al. (2021).
Funding was provided by the Solar System Workings Program. WBS 811073.; Grant numbers 80NSSC17K0256 and NNX16AE46G.

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